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Veterans from all over the U.S. come to our Orleans County campus. They typically stay Thursday through Sunday. The time of year will determine what hunt is taking place. We offer turkey, fowl, and deer hunts. Veterans spend their days in a blind or tree stand and their nights around tables with good food and conversation.
It is always hoped that the hunting will be good, but we know that the conversations and connections made around the tables will always be the beginning of great friendships. We always welcome anyone who wants to be a part of our events in any capacity, even if it is just conversation over dinner, to reach out to us for more information.

Lockport Union Sun & Journal: Warrior House' is haven for wounded veterans: Middleport farmhouse turned into veterans' retreat
The Daily News: Hunting at 'Warrior House': Operation Injured Soldier -Hunting Expeditions Help Veterans Relax
The Daily News: Dice Run to Support Wounded Warriors
Orleans Hub: American Legion Donates to Warrior House
The Daily News: Arby’s in Batavia donates $14,500 to Warrior House in West Shelby
The Batavian: A 'Silver Lining' at Silver Lake Children's Camp
Lockport Union Sun & Journal: Warrior House Gets a Boost From Golf Tourney
Orleans Hub: Big Effort From Several Groups Raises 20k for Warrior House
Oakfield 5k 2019 Partial Proceeds being donated to WARRIOR HOUSE OF WNY

Making A Difference Since 2015
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